Our Philosophy
Water, Energy & Food Security are Fundamental Elements of the Sustainable Future of Humanity!
What is Natural Capital?
Environmental Capital … Nature’s Resources
The Environment; the land, water, air, energy, biodiversity and all the natural resources contained therein are provided from the Garden to the Village, which has the responsibility for Stewardship of these resources and a solemn duty to protect the Environment’s resources from misuse or damage caused, by self-interest of any individual or corporation.
Social Capital … Goodwill
The value of social networks, bonding similar people and bridging between diverse people, with norms of reciprocity … the core intuition … is that the goodwill that others have toward us is a valuable resource.
We define social capital as the goodwill available to individuals or groups. Its source lies in the structure and content of the actor’s social relations. Its effects flow from the information, influence, and solidarity it makes available to the actor’ posited, that social capital is fundamentally about how people interact with each other.
Water, Energy & Food Security & a Healthy Environment are Fundamental Elements of the Sustainable Future of Humanity!
Income in-equality, food shortages & famine, water scarcity & environmental degradation are all symptoms of a decaying society, descending into war and social disorder from which the total loss of social and environmental capital is the only result, as we see in our entropic world today!

Water, Energy & Food Security & a Healthy Environment are Fundamental Elements of the Sustainable Future of Humanity!
Natural Capital Partnership
Environment – Village – Economy
The Natural Capital Partnership economic model places value on environmental capital and nurtures the social capital of the Village, with the emphasis on the preservation of the Environment and the health & wellbeing of the Village, while building sustainable local circular economies.
“Ownership” and delivery of our natural capital resources, in our corporate capitalist economy, has been channeled into the hands of a few corporations and banks, which has served to enslave nations through the high cost of resource delivery & debt, concentrating the wealth in the hands of a few.
The environment and its natural capital resources have been plundered for profit without regard to the present or future of humanity and the environment. The unsustainable paradigms must be addressed to prevent society from falling further into entropy. There is a partnership to be made between the Environment, the Village and the Economy that will change the paradigms.
The Natural Capital Partnership provides for sustainable industry, commerce, employment, abundant growth of nutritiously dense food, energy & water security, universal education & healthcare within the bounds of a preserved and balanced Environment. It eliminates public debt by freeing up current monetary capital resources and provides the delivery of the natural capital resources and ongoing revenue streams for the Village in perpetuity, lowering the need for taxation while building the community goodwill and natural social capital. Rural society will flourish as people return to the land. It will lift the Village, enabling self-reliance and self-determination, to regenerate a poisoned social and natural environment.
The Soil is our Compass and it clearly shows the direction we are heading!
Natural Soil is the foundation of the Garden and the common denominator that affects all aspects of our society; individually, socially & economically. The new economic paradigm must hold that “healthy soil” is the key to a healthy Garden, Village and Economy. It is essential, to the future of Humanity, to undo the damage done and prevent further degradation of the soil and contamination of our bread basket from whence our sustenance comes. The priority of this Partnership is to restore and protect the environment, focusing on regeneration of the soil as the catalyst. Regenerating natural soil repairs the carbon cycle and sequesters atmospheric carbon to mitigate climate change caused by all human activity.
For Humanity to thrive, the Environment must prosper from our Stewardship!
This Natural Capital Partnership, where adopted, will disrupt the current economic paradigms, empowering the Village. It sets the stage for the redirected economy to sustainably flourish and create wealth from the resources while regenerating the Natural Capital. The enviro-socio-economic model manages and secures the economic value of the social and environmental capital. The Partnership preserves and leverages this natural capital to ensure the sustainable exploitation and equitable distribution of the natural resources to reach the collective Village’s Sustainable Local Development Goals.
Environmental Capital Development – Stewardship
The focus of the Natural Capital Group of companies (Natcap) is the restoration and preservation of the environment in which we live. Through employment of holistic techniques and methodologies, in commercial operations, the Group will endeavor to change the way food is grown on the land and restore organic matter to the soil to mitigate human effect on the climate and environment. Natcap Group will undertake ecosystem services restoration projects that will mediate deforestation and desertification and will work to rejuvenate grasslands, farmlands and forests while turning waste streams into resources and reclaim contaminated lands and ground water. The Group will develop alternative energy & desalinate water to mitigate human impact on the environment.
Social Capital Development – P3’s Public Private Partnerships
It is widely accepted that, in emerging markets, the lack of infrastructure to support commercial development is a hindrance to growth and in some centers prohibits it. The Natcap financial structure enables the fluidity of capital into local economies of emerging markets for the sustainable development of social infrastructure. The deployment of the P3 Programs and technologies, enable local energy, water and food security and are provided at ‘no cost’ to governments or the sponsored communities.
The “Natural Capital Infrastructure Development Program (NCP3)” is delivered through Public Private Partnerships (P3’s) made with federal, provincial/state and/or municipal governments.
Economic Capital Development – Commercial Enterprises
Capital is invested directly into economic project development in each national jurisdiction where the business of the group is conducted and the business model is replicated. Natcap works with local economic development councils and partners with local business groups and land owners, focusing on the needs & wants of the community to enable them to reach their sustainable economic development goals through self-determination with the support of the natural capital programs.
The Natural Capital Corporation and its vertically integrated companies and divisions form a circular economy, from the earth to the table and back again. This integration ensures the supply chain for each affiliate division, with each playing a pivotal and specific stewardship role in the development of the environmental, social & economic capital.
Deployment of the programs and technology create thousands of sustainable employment positions as the business model is replicated in each national jurisdiction we serve. The communities will be empowered with enterprise and infrastructure.
Natcap is establishing commercial operations such as; controlled environment food production, manufacturing, aquaculture, regenerative-agriculture, agroforestry, mining, commercial, touristic & residential real estate and infrastructure developments such as; alternative energy, desalination & water resources, utility services, hospitals, schools, civic amenities, sports facilities and public transportation.
The commercial enterprises of the Natural Capital Circular Economy will provide ongoing revenues to the village, through profit share, taxation and establishment of sustainable commerce and employment for skilled and unskilled labor. There is no shortage of needed high-impact projects to bring to fruition in each community that adopts the Eco-Socio-Economic model of the Natural Capital Partnership.
for humanity to thrive, the environment must prosper from our stewardship!
Regeneration and preservation of the Environment in which we live
P3’s – Public Private Partnerships
Natural Capital Infrastructure Development Program
Commercial Enterprises & Vertically Integrated Companies form a Circular Economy